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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Social Media Summit 2011( 4 - 5th Nov) - AIKYA Will Display Products

Social Media is no more a buzz word in India. It is now the most crucial word for businesses that look forward to secure their Business Communication's future. SMSin2011 is a 2 day International event organized by EchoVme in collaboration with M.O.P Vaishnav College (Department of Commerce).

The growth phase of Social Media is augmenting rapidly as we see more than 200% usage of Social Networking Sites year on year since 2004. India has emerged as one of the leading Internet user in the world and as estimated by Forrester we’ll soon be the 3rd largest Internet using country in the world.

Social Media Summit 2011 is a forum for some of the top marketers, entrepreneurs and businesses in the country to congregate and learn the scope of Social Media from experts that will help them get the sharpest edge. So, AIKYA felt that SMSin2011 will be a good platform to showcase their products and spread awareness about service to special kids. Thanks to  EchoVme, Sorav Jain, and MOP Vaishnav College for their cooperation.

Venue | Date : MOP Vaishnav College for Women   | 4-5th November 2011

Click here to read  the Agenda (Speakers, Topic, Time) of the Social Media Summit.

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