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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Census 2011 - Very Important

Census 2011

Disability and Census 2011

Why do persons with disability need to be counted?

For decades after our independence, there was no serious effort to actually count how many of us have any disability. As we know, all our government's plans and budgets, rules and regulations and policies are built upon the census data. It is therefore inevitable to have factual figures about the number of persons with disability to demand for their due share in government development progammes.

The first time that persons with disability were seriously included in the census was in the year 2001 and it showed that 2.13 per cent of India’s population has a disability. This is against the estimated figures by the World Health Organization (WHO) - anywhere between 5-10 %. In the forthcoming census 2011, the government of India has promised to enumerate the persons with disability with more accuracy and with broader definition. Let us join together for this noble cause and ensure that each person with disability is counted.

When is the population enumeration?
From 9th to 28th February 2011

Who are the enumerators?
Local schoolteachers or Anganwadi workers or ANMs (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) will be visiting your family to count family members.

Is there a separate question to enumerate disabled persons in the census survey form?

Yes. In the Census form Question No.9 is exclusively meant for the person with disabilities. However, it is to be noted that all the 30 questions in the census form should be answered by family members also having persons with disability (who live in that family) in mind.

Is it necessary to produce proof to verify my disability?

No proof is necessary to verify disability. Anyone experiencing any impairment or disability mentioned

in question no.9 is counted as a disabled person, irrespective of his or her disability and age. No one

needs to produce medical certificate or National ID card or any other document to the people

conducting the census to verify or to prove disability. The 40% disability criteria for entitlements to

Govt. benefits do not apply here.

How is the census information used by the Govt.?

The Census information can be used by the Govt. only for the purpose of planning. None of the

information from the Census can be used for any other purpose against any person. The information

provided by the citizens of India in the Census is strictly confidential by law.

If any one has any grievance in the Census process he/she should contact the state Census Officer.
Question – 9: Disability

Q. 9: Disability

9 (a) is this person

mentally/physically disabled?

Yes– 1/ No- 2

9 (b) If ‘YES’ in 9 (a), give code in

the box against 9 (b) from the list


9 (c) If multiple disability (Code 8) in

9 (b), give maximum three codes in

the boxes against 9 (c) from the list



9 (b)

9 (c)

Type of Disability Code

1. In Seeing 1

2. In Hearing 2

3. In Speech 3

4. In Movement 4

5. Mental Retardation 5

6. Mental Illness 6

7. Any Other 7

8. Multiple Disability 8

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