Art Therapy helps to improve the emotional well being of a person. Art Therapy is a form of psychotherapy. The process of creating or making different forms of art is therapeutic. So, it is "Art as Therapy." There are simple tools to practice Art Therapy. The common ones are Mandala, Magazine photo collage, Masks, and Art Journal. Anyone can learn or practice Art Therapy. There is no minimum educational qualification or drawing skills that a person needs.
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a complex disorder and each person with ADHD is unique. Psychologist Parvathy Viswanth will teach the different methods to handle a child with ADHD. This session will benefit parents, special educators, counselors, and therapists.
Entry Fee: Rs 300
Contact : 9444960643,
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a complex disorder and each person with ADHD is unique. Psychologist Parvathy Viswanth will teach the different methods to handle a child with ADHD. This session will benefit parents, special educators, counselors, and therapists.
its very interesting, please arrange something of this sort in delhi too...
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